Wednesday, September 17, 2008


In case you didn't realize I have left the beautiful state of Alabama and am now in the fast paced city of Boston. And just as an FYI before I continue this. This round 2 of this blog because I just erased it the first time so I am starting over again and writing it in word so the internet does not screw me over again…….So now to continue….I live in Boston now and I am liking it. First off, I have a great job working as a director at UMass Boston which is similar to UAB in that it’s an urban institution and is heavily commuter (100 % commuter to be exact) which can pose problems but I am up for the challenge. I have to say that now that I am in a director position I have this new found appreciation for my former supervisors because now I can see all of the BS you have to put up with sometimes but I have to admit I like the control – DEFIINITE PERK!

As far as where I am living, I am in Quincy because Boston rent is ridiculous! I can the same apartment in Boston for about $2500 – 3000. So I like quincy! Anyways, so I decided to stay in a nice quaint condo/senior citizen home……..I am only half way joking. When I first moved into my condo the Condo trustee told me that the average age in the building was about 72…….I think I brought it down a little bit. So yes I live with a bunch of old people….and the best part is that they are all white. Yes, I am the only black person in the building which I think confused a lot of people when I first moved in. One lady saw me in the garage and wouldn’t get out of the car because I guess she thought I would “rape and pillage” her and her Pug (a dog) named Rocco. She was so afraid she called her husband to come get her….she probably thought I couldn’t here her talking to her husband but I could because of this thing called echoes. But now she knows that I am not a “chocolate thug” she talks to me all the time now….to much. But all in all I like my place regardless of all the old people. I like the quietness of the building….but sometimes it scares because a building with old people who are completely silent makes me a little worried….you know why.

But it’s a good size apartment that is great for visitors. Anish, Manish, and KP have all graced me with their presence and can probably agree that its pretty nice place to stay (Can you tell I am trying to convince people to visit).

Now since I have been here I have made a couple of observations. First off is the accent. Now I know that the southern accent is not the best in the world and can be quite difficult to understand with combinations of word put together like y’all and “Ydoncha” – Why don’t you? But here they don’t even know the alphabet. If they did they would know that “R” is a letter that is used quite a bit in the English language. I have used it 117 times in this blog already. So here phrases like “How ah ya? Instead of how are you? And they do really say the phrase “pak the ca” – makes me laugh every time. It’s not just the “R” that is a problem they need to learn about simple pronunciation. For example, I live in Quincy which was named for John Quincy Adams. His middle name is pronounced Quin-cee. Here they name the city after him but it’s pronounced Quin-zee. I have said the incorrect saying and people are sensitive about it quickly correct. But there are other cities which I cannot even begin to explain over text but man….we need to go back to the basics.

So hopefully you will feel enlighten about my adventures and observations in Beantown. I have a lot more that has happened but remember that this is my 2nd time writing this and I am at work……so stay tuned. HOLLA BACK!

Monday, March 13, 2006


I'm taking a cue from Kate Pate and posting in S-Dub's stead. Dang he has not updated in like forEVER!!! What is up w/ this? Well I will blog a little for him now. Let's see, what's new with Sherrod? He is loving American Idol. He is taking classes and working and likes his new job. He has a beard. He got a haircut last week. He also ate lunch with 2 cool people on Thursday. He has a new cell phone that plays mp3s and that is v. exciting. And that's all I can think of for now. So here is a pic of Anish sleeping in Anderson Alley for a b-ball campout that made the cover of the k-scope for all y'alls enjoyment. Score! And next time you see Sherrod be sure to give him a hard time for not blogging!
Vignolo out!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Free at last....or at least almost

It has been a while since my last post, but I thought I should share that I am free from the time Nazis and have gotten a new job. Don't get me wrong, I like my job half the time and the people I work with. I just hate the pre-school structure of assigned lunches and having to ask for permission to wipe my butt. But now, there will be no more 1 hour lunches (which in reality are 30 minutes because you have to but in travel time and all that crap). I will be in a place where they have no concept of time and I can do whatever I want, sort.

I think on my first day I may take a two hour lunch and call the time Nazis and say "hey, I am taking a two hour lunch and you can't do anything about it - HA." I can see the freedom now.....

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I wish....

Don't you hate it when it feels like everything in life is against you. For once, I wish I could have a normal, average, chill life. Ahhhhhh......that is but a dream.....

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Can a dog be gay?

I had the rare opportunity of coming across a dog this weekend that I think is gay. Yes, I said gay. I have never seen a dog that was truly gay and didn't really think that a dog could be gay. Here is the story:

I now have a new neighbor who is also a family friend. She called me and asked me to come over and help her put together her entertainment center and she said she would cook me breakfast. The thought of free food excited me, especially since I didn't have any groceries. So I went up to her apartment and sat on the couch and was playing with her puppy - a cute little black cocker spaniel named Bentley. As I played with Bentley I started thinking how I want a good hearty breakfast and I knew I wouldn't get it with my friend cooking so I decided to cook. So as I start to make a spectacular bacon Swiss and cheddar omelet, she told me that she was going to be dog sitting for her boss this weekend. That didn't phase me at the time. So her boss then shows up with this small white and brown dog named Nick (or should I say Nicki). As he enters the room he goes bazerck and proceeds to my friends cocker spaniel to lick his privates and starts to thrust him wildly. His owner starts pulling him off and is yelling at him and proceeds to beat him. But that didn't phase this man-hungry dog. He jumped right back on him. So they ended up putting him in his cage, where he cried every time Bentley was out of his sight (LOUDLY). Now, I know it is quite common for dogs to do this to one another but after 36 hours you would think the dog would get over it and stop. No, this dog basically raped poor Bentley and I think Bentley has PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The owner of Nicki does not know why he is doing this because he plays with other dogs all the time - but I guess they weren't his type. I guess he prefers the cocker variety. Anyways, holla at you next time.

Friday, September 02, 2005


Let me just start off by saying WTF! WTF! WTF! I don't understand our country sometimes and some of the things we do. Recently, we have been hit by one of the largest hurricanes in history, Hurricane Katrina. This one hurricane has made one of our major and oldest cities turn into a 3rd world country overnight. My question is how? How did New Orleans get to this point. This has been the poorest effort to save lives and restore order in a city I have ever witnessed in life. We have people who have been without any type of food, water, or shelter since the occurrence of the hurricane which hit the area on late Sunday night, Monday morning. Since the time that the hurricane hit, it looks as if nothing has been done.

I purposely did not watch any news for a couple days - one, because I didn't think I could bear to see the suffering of these people, so I kept my watching of the news to a minimum. Then Wednesday night I finally watched a CBS news 48 hours special and I was surprised to see what was going on in New Orleans. We have switched our priorities from picking up bodies and rescuing citizens to stopping the looting. What kind of s#$% is that. The whole reason that people are looting and acting so violent in the first place is because they feel abandoned by their the country that is supposed to care and protect them in these kinds of situations and they are doing what they have to do to survive - get food, clothes, and water. There are some people who are stealing for the wrong reasons, but look at the situation they are in (similar to Iraq - but I will leave that alone). These people are surrounded by death and disease and you ask them to be patient. Anyone under these circumstances would be frustrated and angry. If I was stranded on a bridge, with no food, water, clothes (except for what I have on my back), and saw helicopters flying over me or trucks driving past me not picking me up, that would piss me off too. If we start some type of rescue effort for these people then I am pretty sure some of this looting will stop. They could at least try to get some type of communication to these people that help is on the way. But that leads to my next question - when will help get there?

It is really hard for me to believe that President Dumbass (sorry Mary) can't deploy troops in helicopters to take these people to dry land where they can have food and water and be treated for what ever disease most of them probably have now. I grew up on a military base and I know we have the resources, so why are we not using them?

This is a sad situation and it is hard for me to believe that we as a country cannot do more than what we are currently doing. True, the people there were warned to evacuate and now they are in a horrible situation. But when you tell a child not to go to far into the water in a pool and he does and starts to drown, do you leave him there? No, you jump in and help him. These people need help, and the government should be the ones to do that - they have the power and the resources. Many people have lost the faith and respect of our government - if they are to ever restore order and gain the respect of many American citizens they better act fast. We do rescue missions and help other countries around the world everyday, why is it taking so long to help the people in our own home? I'm out!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

So you think you are smart??

On a daily basis I come across some very interesting people trying to get into UAB - but one thing really confuses me about some of these people. If you know you are dumb, then why do you pretend that you are smart. I can see your transcript and I see you are obviously not the brightest crayon in the box, yet you act like you discovered the cure for AIDS. For example, yesterday, I had a student come into my office, who was denied because his transfer GPA was below a 2.0 - obviously not admissible to UAB. But he told me we were wrong and he does not have a GPA below 2.0 because his last school said so. First of all, unless that first school is UAB - I don't care. Secondly, that school didn't even count all his grades, they picked and chose what will be in his GPA - what kinda s*%$ is that; if we could all be so lucky. Needless to say, it doesn't work that way at good ole UAB and he will remain denied. But its usually not until I call someone out on their dumbness, do they realize they are somewhat "challenged." I don't enjoy doing that (most of the time); I want everyone to come to UAB and enjoy our great institution.

In closing, to all you people who think you are smart, and are actually dumb, don't act like you are smart, because the actual smart people will think you are even dumber, thus making you look like an idiot.